Create a Balanced Life

The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water and food.
— Dean Ornish

The Importance of Connection

Connection, whether it be with other people, nature, or oneself, plays a crucial role in various aspects of life.

Here are some key points highlighting its importance:

Emotional Well-being

    1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

      Positive social connections can lower stress and anxiety levels, providing emotional support during challenging times.

    2. Increases Happiness

      Meaningful relationships and social interactions can boost happiness and life satisfaction.

Mental Health

    1. Prevents Loneliness

      Regular interaction with others helps prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are linked to mental health issues like depression.

    2. Cognitive Benefits

      Engaging with others can keep the mind active and reduce the risk of cognitive decline as we age.

Physical Health

    1. Boosts Immune System

      Strong social ties can lead to better physical health and a stronger immune system.

    2. Promotes Longevity

      People with strong social connections tend to live longer than those who are isolated.

Personal Growth

    1. Encourages Learning and Growth

      Connections with diverse groups of people can expose individuals to new ideas and perspectives, fostering personal growth.

    2. Enhances Empathy and Understanding

      Engaging with others helps develop empathy and a deeper understanding of different viewpoints and experiences.

Professional Success

    1. Networking Opportunities

      Building professional connections can open doors to career opportunities, mentorship, and collaborations.

    2. Enhanced Job Satisfaction

      Positive relationships with colleagues can lead to a more enjoyable and productive work environment.

Community and Society

    1. Strengthens Communities

      Strong social bonds contribute to a sense of community, fostering cooperation and collective action for common goals.

    2. Promotes Social Cohesion

      Connections across different groups help bridge divides and promote social harmony and cohesion.

In summary, connection is vital for emotional, mental, and physical health, personal and professional development, and the overall well-being of individuals and communities. Prioritizing and nurturing connections can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.


The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.
— Tom Ford

The CDK Pyramid is made up of 5 levels of connection
(1) Self
(2) Family/Friends
(3) Community/Culture/Nature
(4) Aotearoa/New Zealand
(5) World