What we do.

We help tamariki and rangatahi develop a positive mindset and find their passion through positive news and lifelong learning. We also help tamariki and rangatahi become aware of their Authentic You and their True North. We help tamariki and rangatahi find their place in their life, community, Aotearoa and the world.

Positive News

In today’s media negativity rules. By showing only positive news we aim to tip the scale and create a positive environment for our tamariki and rangatahi. This in turn, helps to correct the negative bias in media vs people’s real life experiences and creates a positive mindset. Helping Tamariki and Rangatahi in this way can reframe their knowledge and societal encoding through evidenced based stories that focus on the good things in life.

Lifelong Learning

We help tamariki and rangatahi see knowledge as lifelong learning that can help them find their passion through life. Greater understanding of their passion can help develop their individual purpose. Their purpose when realised and developed can release their true power to live a resilient positively inspired life.

CDK Design

The Can Do Kiwis (CDK) design follows the CDK statement and is based on the CDK pyramid.

CDK Statement
Helping tamariki and rangatahi become resilient, positively inspired Kiwis through passion, purpose and power.

CDK Pyramid
Made up of 5 levels of connection
(1) Self
(2) Family/Friends
(3) Community/Culture/Nature
(4) Aotearoa/New Zealand
(5) World

The Can Do Kiwis (CDK) website provides links to news articles from other websites. The CDK is not responsible for the currency or accuracy of content on such websites and the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement by the CDK of the linked website or its provider. It is recommended to return to the CDK website after reading linked news articles.